Maintained in feral pigs in parts of New South Wales and Queensland. Rare occurrence in domestic pigs. Sporadic detections in pig hunting dog however this is not OIE notifiable.
A previously unknown Australian strain of West Nile virus was identified following an outbreak of neurological disease in horses in 2011. No cases were reported in 2017.
Never occurred. The National Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Freedom Assurance Program includes surveillance. Australia has official OIE `negligible risk’ status.
1952. The National Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Freedom Assurance Program includes surveillance. Atypical scrapie has been detected several times.
Low pathogenicity avian influenza virus (poultry) (infection with H5 or H7 viruses)
Newcastle disease virus in poultry (infection with)
Lentogenic viruses present
Virulent Newcastle disease last occurred in poultry 2002. In August 2011, a paramyxovirus not previously reported in Australia was detected in hobby pigeons in Victoria. Disease caused by virus has not spread to poultry.
Infestation of honey bees with Varroa spp. (Varroosis)
Varroa destructor has never been reported in Australia. Incursion of Varroa jacobsoni was identified in June 2016 and the response is currently in proof of freedom phase.
Rare. Australian variant was first isolated in 2000 from macropods and occurs infrequently in a small region near Darwin. In 2017, it was isolated in a new species, captive Nabarlek (pigmy rock wallaby, Petrogale concinna), in the Northern Territory.
December 2011. New South Wales eradicated abalone herpesvirus (abalone viral ganglioneuritis), which was contained in aquaria, and is now free from this disease